SHOTOVER G1 High Torque - Speed Test with ReedFactory and Mad Mike Whiddett

Watch our friends at Reelfactory put it to the ultimate test chasing Red Bull's Mad Mike Whiddett around Hampton Downs. The verdict? The G1 High Torque exceeds all expectations for high-speed filming needs.

The new G1 High Torque brings you:

  • Direct gimbal-to-controller connection
  • 4x Higher Azimuth Torque paired with lower power draw
  • Higher speeds with higher wind loading
  • Continuous cooling and heat mitigation for intense shooting sessions
  • Flexibility to use longer lenses without losing clarity or stability

SHOTOVER G1 High Torque shines on the Test Run Sheet:

  • 8 Tracking Laps + 8 Dry High-Speed Laps
  • Blazing speeds up to 170KPH
  • 1-hour continuous highway speed heat buildup test
  • Utilized zoom range up to 250MM (Canon CN25-250)


SHOTOVER G1 High Torque - Speed Test with ReedFactory and Mad Mike Whiddett

Date: March 2024
Location: Hampton Downs, New Zealand
Product Used: G1, Broadcast, Creative

Watch our friends at Reelfactory put it to the ultimate test chasing Red Bull's Mad Mike Whiddett around Hampton Downs. The verdict? The G1 High Torque exceeds all expectations for high-speed filming needs.

The new G1 High Torque brings you:

  • Direct gimbal-to-controller connection
  • 4x Higher Azimuth Torque paired with lower power draw
  • Higher speeds with higher wind loading
  • Continuous cooling and heat mitigation for intense shooting sessions
  • Flexibility to use longer lenses without losing clarity or stability

SHOTOVER G1 High Torque shines on the Test Run Sheet:

  • 8 Tracking Laps + 8 Dry High-Speed Laps
  • Blazing speeds up to 170KPH
  • 1-hour continuous highway speed heat buildup test
  • Utilized zoom range up to 250MM (Canon CN25-250)

Go Behind The Scenes With Salt + Air Studios and The SHOTOVER B1

Date: February 2020
Product Used: B1, Creative

SHOTOVER recently visited Salt + Air Studios in Hawaii to have the team put the ultra-compact, 6-axis SHOTOVER B1 gimbal to the test while mounted on their jet ski. With the B1’s rugged 6061-T6 aircraft aluminum structure and ability to handle high speeds while mounted on this unique sea application, the results were nothing short of extraordinary.

SHOTOVER Tech Tips- Setting Up Your Controller

Date: January 2020
Product Used: K1, F1, M1, B1, G1, Broadcast, Creative

Follow along with SHOTOVER Tech Nick Sprague as he provides a quick tutorial on how to set up your SHOTOVER Controller.

SHOTOVER B1 Takes Flight on Robinson R44 with Tempt Media and Corporate Helicopters

Date: October 2019
Product Used: B1, Creative

Watch as longtime SHOTOVER F1 owner Eric Everly of Tempt Media takes the B1 for a flight with Corporate Helicopters to experience this next generation SHOTOVER camera system for himself.

Benjamin Goertzen of VisionHawk Films Utilizes the SHOTOVER F1 for Award Nominated Documentary

Date: September 2019
Product Used: F1, Creative

“Almost everything above water was filmed entirely with our SHOTOVER F1. We had stability, mobility and could keep our distance - and without those, this film would not have been possible."  – Benjamin C Goertzen, Director of Chungungo: A Mentor's Tale. Watch the full short film above, nominated for the Emerging Talent Award at the prestigious Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, Sept. 21-27, 2019.

Filming Wild Animals In The Rain With The SHOTOVER F1

Date: August 2019
Product Used: F1, Creative

Go behind the scenes with some of the wIldlife filmmakers of the Emmy nominated series, Serengeti, as they showcase utilizing their SHOTOVER F1 filming in the adverse conditions of Tanzania.

Tempt Media Shows How They Put Their SHOTOVER F1 to Work

Date: May 2019
Product Used: F1, Creative

Whether it be up in the snowy mountains, down in desert, or flying high in the air, watch as Tempt Media puts their SHOTOVER F1 to work.

Utilizing the SHOTOVER G1 and F1 With Cinematographer Bryant Lambert

Date: April 2019
Product Used: F1, G1, Creative

With the versatility of the SHOTOVER G1 and F1, Cinematographer Bryant Lambert puts these systems through their paces to create exciting, engaging content for his clients.

Filming Utah’s Bears Ears with Camp4Collective Featuring the SHOTOVER G1

Date: March 2018
Product Used: G1, Creative

See the iconic formations around Utah's Bears Ears from the perspective of the "cine-trike" featuring the SHOTOVER G1.

The Flat Earth: Behind the Tech featuring the SHOTOVER F1

Date: January 2018
Product Used: F1, Creative

See how Ty Evans and Ghost Digital Cinema used the SHOTOVER F1 during the filming of The Flat Earth.

Helinet Aviation and Patriots Jet Team Debut Groundbreaking CineJet™ Featuring a Custom SHOTOVER F1

Date: October 2017
Product Used: F1, F1 RUSH, Creative, Custom Solutions

CineJet™ was developed to address the growing demand to shoot high-speed objects for television, feature films, high-performance photography, scientific research, and commercial OEM aircraft marketing. The SHOTOVER F1 used by Helinet on CineJet™, is specifically tailored for the unique capabilities of the jet platform, providing incredible dynamic range and unsurpassed 8K image quality at elevated speeds exceeding 350 knots and during maneuvers approaching 3G’s.

Steven Hinton’s World Speed Record in Voodoo Captured by Pursuit Aviation

Date: September 2017
Product Used: F1 RUSH, Creative, Custom Solutions

Pursuit Aviation, a cutting edge aerial cinematography company, has partnered with Hinton Jr. to document the epic flight with a SHOTOVER F1 RUSH camera system. This state-of-the-art 6-axis gyro stabilized camera system and setup has been specifically customized for shooting objects at over 350 knots and under heavy G-loading. 

Mount Everest High Altitude Aerials with the SHOTOVER F1 and SHOTOVER G1

Date: September 2017
Product Used: F1, G1, Creative

Shot with both the SHOTOVER F1 & SHOTOVER G1 using ARRI Alexa Mini
Produced by Aerial Perspectives with Irmin Kerck & Jiaxi Chen
SHOTOVER Tech - Charlie Dowson-Park
Pilot - Maurizio Folini
Music by Ebenhaezer Smal
Beautiful colours by Stephan Kuch
Camera Operators - Irmin Kerck and Roman Müllegger

SHOTOVER F1 - Desert Horse with RED 8K Vista Vision and Leica Thalia

Date: May 2017
Product Used: F1, Creative

The SHOTOVER F1 chased Aniela Gottwald through the desert testing out the RED 8K Vista Vision with Leica Thalia primes.

Credits: Colt Seman, CW Sonderoptic, Leica Thalia, RED 8K VV, SHOTOVER, Small HD, Tempt Media, Ultimate Arm

SOC Awards 2017 | Technical Achievement Award | SHOTOVER K1

Date: March 2017
Product Used: K1, Creative

SHOTOVER is truly honored to receive a 2017 Technical Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Camera Operators for the SHOTOVER K1.